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Nataliya Velichko ID 0127 / Beautiful Russian and Ukrainian Girls For Dating and Marriage
Nataliya Velichko ID 0127
Country: Ukraine
Age: 28 (3 January 1976)
Status: Divorcee
Height: 5' 3.8" (1.62m)
Weigh: 135 lbs. (61kg)
Hair Color: Natural blonde
Eye Color: Brown
Religion: Christian
Children: Son 8 y.o.
Education: High, University
Occupation: Manager on tourism
Languages: English
Smoker: No
Drinks: Social/Occasional
Type of relations: Long term or marriage
E-mail Free, for other information contact admin
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About me
I am charming, home, purposeful, sociable.
My interests: job, house, books, Internet, photo.
The detailed story in the first letter.
About him
Age 36-48, growth 1.74-1.90m.
You independent, purposeful, responsible. You realized the youthful dreams, but on the future still there are a lot of plans. And one of it - family. Your second half, with which you are necessary, is interesting, from which you will be yourselves.
You have not enough of free time, and you are adjusted seriously.

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