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ServicesThis website is created for people looking for a perfect partner.

Many personal profiles available. It's fun, easy and safe to connect with other singles. Let Nudes-Ladies International Introduction Agency be your main source for personal ads, and we hope you will find romance and love on our pages!

Our Services

At us the real questionnaire with the present addresses and telephones.
For purpose to contact with girl, you need to send translation $14.99 at the bottom of each profile. As soon as the payment goes through using our we will e-mail or fax to you the full contact details for the chosen lady.

At the time of writing we are accepting the following methods of payment:

We accept for payment: Check, VISA, MasterCard (2CheckOut )

  • System WebMoneyTransfer Z207767195260
  • VISA $ Equivalent cart № 4149 4978 1977 9499

    Other methods of payment ask by the letter to the manager of agency: contact agency

    Address one girl $14.99 !

    In 24 hours you will receive the information on the chosen girl. Our prices are not slightly higher than the competition but as you can see we only select the most beautiful ladies.
    Some of our ladies no access to the Internet and we can arrange for your e-mail messages to be sent across Ukrainian Postal Services and if necessary to translate the letters.
    Please note - we DO NOT specialise in travel, visas and introductions in person. However we can put you in touch with the companies providing all of the above in Ukraine and Great Britain.

    We are constantly improving and are open to suggestions. Please do not hesitate to call/fax/e-mail us regarding any queries/suggestions.

    Gift delivery service:

    Bouquet of beautiful flowers US $29/GBP 15
    A bottle of Ukrainian Champagne US $19/GBP 10
    A box of the finest chocolates US $20/GBP 12
    Full basket of exotic fruit US $25/GBP 12

    Russian - English / English - Russian Translation Just $2 per minute

    Manager agency: contact agency
    Webmaster: contact webmaster

    Best regards Management
An online International Introduction Dating Agency for single men seeking ladies for dating, romance, sex, love, marriage, relationships, penpals with Russian, Ukrainian and Belarus women.

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