I was born and Moscow has grown in the famous city - hero.
In the majority the all my ancestors were the creative persons and
I to that not exception, all conscious life sang, I sing and I shall
sing counter to the exhausted neighbours.. .:-) Well good, the lyrics
will suffice, we shall proceed to essence - I study on correspondence
branches of a maximum institution, on which termination I shall
become the ecologist, on the today's moment I work, as however and
always, (I shall tell hardly later) more in detail...
At me nasty character, by virtue of short, but very much sated biography,
already had time to be generated as the person and any attempts
me i? iaioou under itself to what good will result, though I can
not yet met of a worthy nominee and I speak so not owing to the
overestimated self-estimation, and owing to absence of desire to
accept any, in the relation with the men, I am guided to a principle
of one wise saying " Better to be hungry, than to eat, that
has got... "
My liked music jazz and all similar to qualitative music.
I like to read. But all depends on the vital period, but I can with
confidence say that I do not like - me fantasy attracts a little...
Free time I spend preferring quiet places - billiard, cafe, and
not all in succession.
I speak in language of love and gestures, well and it is a little
in English:-)
Age of the partner: 21-36 (+ - 2 years) the basic difference no,
all depends on the person, to be exact from his core
That I would like to find in you: that I would like from you? As
well as all of us - heat, understanding, support...