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Nataliya Safaryan ID 0482 / Beautiful Russian and Ukrainian Girls For Dating and Marriage
Nataliya Safaryan ID 0482
City:  Moscow area
Country:  Russia
Age:  25 (26 October 1978)
Status:  Never married
Height:  5' 4.6" (1.64m)
Weigh:  108 lbs. (49kg)
Hair color:  Black straight long
Eye Color:  Brown
Religion:  Christian
Children:  No
Education:  Incomplete higher
Occupation:  Manager
Languages:  Basic English
Smoker:  No
Drinks:  No
Type of relations:  Long term or marriage
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E-mail:  Yes
Telephone:  Yes
Post address:  Yes
Other:  ---
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About me
I am very modest, purposeful, like the job, house.
Has finished a technical school, in the given time I am trained at university, I work in a civil engineering firm, the free time has not enough, but sometimes I am engaged aerobics, swimming, I go in cinema, theatre, I listen to music. I very hardworking and responsible person. I aspire to self-improvement and I want to achieve in life much.
About him
The fair, decent, educated, clever person, ready to creation of family.
Preferable residence partner: USA, Canada, the Great Britain, Germany, Switzerland, Sweden, France. Caucasian.

Международное брачное агентство для одиноких мужчин, ищущих женщину для знакомства, романтика, секс, любовь, брак, отношения, друзья по переписке с российскими, украинскими и белорусскими женщинами.

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