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Nadezhda Timofeeva ID 0542 / Beautiful Russian and Ukrainian Girls For Dating and Marriage
Nadezhda Timofeeva ID 0542
City:  Murmansk
Country:  Russia
Age:  24 (14 January 1980)
Status:  Never married
Height:  5' 3,3" (1.61m)
Weigh:  105 lbs. (48kg)
Hair Color:  Silver
Eye Color:  Turquoise
Religion:  ---
Children:  No
Education:  Higher
Occupation:  Economist
Languages:  Some English
Smoker:  No
Drinks:  No
Type of relations:  Long term or marriage, Any
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E-mail:  Yes
Telephone:  Yes
Post address:  Yes
Other:  ---
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About me
My favourite number 14, the sister, Katya, too 14 was born. Only in September. Everyone 14 I go in a hairdressing saloon, and with the sister is marked - pleasant lovely trifles always lift mood.
Favourite day - Thursday. Colour - dark blue. And all his shades: gentle, light-blue, turquoise, akvamarin, electro-dark blue, indigo. So clothes of dark blue colour and its shades most of all in my wardrobe. My growth depends on heels, colour of an eye from lenses, hair - from mood. And mood - from weather.
I can by hours listen to music favourite songs «the Summer is a small life» and «With Kind Morning Love». I take a great interest in solving of crossword puzzles, I adore to be photographed. I consider film «Salt on our skin» as one of best, that I saw.
About him
I search honour, self-assured for the man, present Love and simple human happiness.

Международное брачное агентство для одиноких мужчин, ищущих женщину для знакомства, романтика, секс, любовь, брак, отношения, друзья по переписке с российскими, украинскими и белорусскими женщинами.

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