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Svetlana Zolotova ID 0578 / Beautiful Russian and Ukrainian Girls For Dating and Marriage
Svetlana Zolotova ID 0578
City:  St. Petersburg
Country:  Russia
Age:  23 (25 June 1980)
Status:  I am single
Height:  5'10" (1.76m)
Weigh:  125 lbs. (57kg)
Hair Color:  Blond
Eye Color:  Green
Religion:  Christian
Children:  No
Education:  Incompleted higher
Occupation:  Sales manager
Languages:  English, Italiano un poco
Smoker:  No
Drinks:  Sometime red wine
Type of relations:  Long term or marriage
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E-mail:  Yes
Telephone:  Yes
Post address:  Yes
Other:  Mobil phone
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About me
Hello! My name is Svetlana. I live and work in St. Petersburg. I work in a company that sells office furniture.
I think I shouldn't tell a lot about my work because now I have other goals and wishes in life, I want to create a family.
I'd like to tell some words about my hobbies. First of all I am fond of traveling. I like visiting other cities, countries, to see different architecture, to learn culture of other people. You always have different emotions, how people meet you, and how country meets you and your first impression is very important.
I am a very romantic person that's why I find beauty in everything. It will be not interesting to live without it. On the other hand you shouldn't forget about reality, but it is not right to make your life boring and many people do it and don't see anything around. I think we must live and feel joy every minute of life, to get everything that life gives us. I began to tell about my interests and I think I am a many-sided person and there are a lot of things in the world which may be interesting for me in the future.
I like mountain skiing, visiting theatres, museums, cinema, meeting my friends, spending time out of town. I like riding a bicycle very much. When I go to the country to see my mother my little nephew and me ride a bicycle along wide Russian fields. I love children very much and I think that if I had a kid my life could change.
About him
And now about a man I wish to find. First of all this man should be personality: strong, decisive, responsible, reliable, a man who keeps his word. Relations couldn't be built without respect and if a man speaks a lot but does nothing we can't say a word about respect. He should be romantic, cheerful, with a good sense of humour.

Now I want to end my story, I would write more but I think, I will have possibility to do it.
I am waiting for you letters, calls. I will be glad to communicate with you.
Best wishes. Hope to see you soon.

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